
Body language - The unspoken element of communication.

Did you know, we Humans can recognize about 250,000 facial expressions, among which these are the most common expressions we adhere to in our day to day lives.

Our body language (vis gestures, postures, movements, eye contact etc.) constitutes about half of what we are trying to communicate. According to Professor Albert Mehrabian, 7% of the meaning is communicated through spoken words, 38% is done through tone of voice and 55% is done through body language.

body language reflects upon who we are as an individual. The clothes we wear, the accessories we carry, the way we style ourselves communicates a certain kind of message. Weather we are going for an interview or going on a date the way we conduct ourselves verbally and non-verbally plays a major role as we get only a chance to create a lasting impression.

So here are few tips which you can consider while communicating with others and creating an impression:

Maintain eye contact:

Whether you are going for an interview or talking to someone make sure you maintain an eye contact as it signifies that you are confident and honest.

(Pro tip: if you feel that looking directly into the eye of the other person makes you uncomfortable, look at the persons nose while conversing as this will make the other person feel that you are making an eye contact.)

Open arm gesture:

Avoid crossing your arm, while conversing with another person as this shows that you are being defensive and not being open to the conversation, instead keep your hand well rested on your lap or on the table.

(Pro tip: if you feel that looking directly into the eye of the other person makes you uncomfortable, look at the persons nose while conversing as this will make the other person feel that you are making an eye contact.)

Relax your body:

Try not to fidget with your body out of nervousness, while catering to any challenging situation like an interview or a group discussion as this will send out the message of you being underconfident, instead try to relax by wearing a smile, keeping your hand still and breathe slowly.

Pro tip: before going for an interview or a meeting or a group discussion strike a power pose, by standing straight, keeping your both hand on your waist and taking deep breathe, this will help be feel energetic and confident.

Be aware of your tone and facial expression:

Make sure that your tone and facial expressions are in sync so that the other person feels convinced of what you are trying to convey. Otherwise, if you keep a blunt face while talking passionately it will leave an impression of you not being sure of what you are trying to say.

“The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn’t said.”- Peter Drucker.


John Doe 01 Jan 2045

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John Doe 01 Jan 2045

Diam amet duo labore stet elitr invidunt ea clita ipsum voluptua, tempor labore accusam ipsum et no at. Kasd diam tempor rebum magna dolores sed eirmod

John Doe 01 Jan 2045

Diam amet duo labore stet elitr invidunt ea clita ipsum voluptua, tempor labore accusam ipsum et no at. Kasd diam tempor rebum magna dolores sed eirmod

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