
By: Dhwani Adesara (Soft skills trainer)

Procrastination is a challenge that everyone encounters at one point or another. Am I right?. We choose to do something else instead of the task which we are supposed to do. we tend to avoid or delay the issues that matter to us. While I was doing this project, One of the reasons for procrastination is lack of “self-control”. We let things distract us easily which in turn leads to delay of work.


According to (microbiz mag's) statistical report 84% of the human population put off all the important tasks and 20.5% procrastinate daily. When weprocrastinate, we do not realise that we put ourselves into a stressful situation which leads to missed deadlines, burning the midnight oil, and decrease in the productivity level. So, let us try to change this behaviour and overcome procrastination by applying these tips in our lives:

Eat the frog:

Make a list of all the tasks which you are supposed to do and prioritize the important ones. Once you have made the to do list finish the important task first thing each day. This will prevent you from forgetting any task and will keep you focused and motivated.

Break down the task:

The loaf of bread is cut into pieces so it becomes easier for us to eat. Similarly Do not pressurise yourself by doing a lot of work at one go, as it will make you feel exhausted mentally as well as physically which in turn will lead to delay of work. hence try to make a schedule and divide your work accordingly. This will help you to enjoy the work that you are doing.

Set deadlines:

Setting a time frame to complete a particular task will not only help you do smart work and increase the level of productivity but will also keep you motivated and focused. So, create deadlines for each task that you are supposed to do and make sure you complete them within that time.

Manage distractions:

Living in a technologically advanced world distractions are bound to happen which in turn leads to decrease in the level of productivity. So lets try to manage our distractions by setting our priorities right and staying focused on the primary task. Take adequate breaks in between so that you will feel fresh and you will enjoy the task.

Reward yourself:

Once you have completed your task within the deadline created, do not forget to reward yourself as it acts as a motivational mechanism. By rewarding, your brain induces positive emotions which makes you realise that all your efforts were recognised. These were the tips which I came across and even I am inculcating these tips to overcome procrastination. And I am sure that if each one of us will try and inculcate these tips in our day to day life it will give you results. “the way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”- Walt Disney So next time when you feel like putting things off ask yourself a question if not now, then when?


John Doe 01 Jan 2045

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John Doe 01 Jan 2045

Diam amet duo labore stet elitr invidunt ea clita ipsum voluptua, tempor labore accusam ipsum et no at. Kasd diam tempor rebum magna dolores sed eirmod

John Doe 01 Jan 2045

Diam amet duo labore stet elitr invidunt ea clita ipsum voluptua, tempor labore accusam ipsum et no at. Kasd diam tempor rebum magna dolores sed eirmod

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